Aria Team Introduction

Aria Token
4 min readMar 2, 2022


We wanted to take a moment and introduce the Aria Team to you guys. While we are anonymous at the moment we are still real people with a background and hope to establish as much trust as possible with $ARIA Token holders.

If you have not joined us already please feel free to do so on our Discord where you can chat with us directly and we can help answer any question there directly.

Well ok then let’s get started with the team intro, while we are currently only a two member team we hope to accomplish big things with $ARIA. With that said, the main two people behind $ARIA are Ryuu and Ichigo. The person writing this is me Ryuu 😜 also after introducing each one of us we will go into why we chose to stay anonymous for the time being.

Who is Ryuu?

Alright let me introduce myself a little. While Ryuu might be just an online alias for me right now it is something I have used for many years in many different shapes and forms. I am the guy who came up with the idea for the $ARIA token, so give Ichigo a break if he cannot answer all the details about $ARIA as I have much more of a technical knowledge for it then he does.

I have been a Software Engineer for over 12 years now, and have worked for two companies in total. For the last 5 years I have been at one of the FAANG companies and have worked on software that is used by millions of users daily and my team processes billions of records weekly. On a daily basis I code in Java and Javascript.

I got into crypto in 2017 and lost a lot of money initially but thanks to Ichigo bringing me back into the crypto game in 2020 I have managed to recover all my losses and make a little extra. In terms of coding anything crypto related, $ARIA is my first project. I have been looking into Solidity contracts and am working my butt off to make this a smart contract solid that it will get high marks in any audit.

Who is Ichigo?

Ichigo is the main character in Bleach manga/anime and likes strawberries. Haha ok no with all seriousness, $ARIA would not be possible without Ichigo. While I might be the developer behind $ARIA, Ichigo is our financial backing. Ichigo is taking a big risk and funding this project out of his own pocket.

Ichigo is my best friend’s little brother and in that sense my brother as well even though we are not blood related. Ichigo got into Crypto back in 2019 and while he is younger than me he has managed to accumulate a big bag in crypto.

Ichigo is managing all Social aspects of $ARIA, so if you see posts on twitter they will most likely be written by him and he will spend more time than me in Discord talking to you all.

Ichigo is great at Social media and has multiple business ventures, one is an online clothing brand which donates profits to causes. He is also invested in and runs a popular restaurant in our town. He is fully committed to growing the $ARIA army and looks forward to chatting with you guys about crypto and the $ARIA token.

Why did you start $ARIA Token?

The main reason why we started $ARIA is because we believe that we have a solid idea that will earn rewards for people holding Aria Token. We will drive utilities to Aria Token by building games that utilize Aria Token which will then generate rewards for people holding Aria Token.

Why is the team anonymous?

Me and Ichigo have talked to each other many times on should we be doxxed or not and honestly we always found that we were just more comfortable to not reveal our identities. There are primarily three reasons why we think of not doing it and while we do see that it will make it a harder road for us to gain community trust we still want to pursue it. But I also want to say that we are open to being doxxed in the future if $ARIA gains momentum and we have a strong community.

  1. The main reason why we don’t want to release our identity is because of our families. I for one have two small daughters ages 8 and 3. While crypto is the future there is still a lot of negativity out there about it and I would hate for it to impact my family’s life in any shape or form.
  2. Lawsuits, I recently read an article where a senator or one of the staff of a senator bought a token only so that they could file a lawsuit against it. We are a small project and we can not afford to be suit, if we were to be suit it would be the end of the project. Also I think there are still a lot of unknowns when it comes to regulation in the Defi space.
  3. Community negativity, a good example is Time Wonderland, that founder is getting a lot of negativity and probably death threats. He is someone young but we are older and have families as mentioned in point 1. All the token holders are anonymous to us so we ask to respect each other and the project and the people behind the project.

Now while we are anonymous we are KYC’d through the Obsidian Council. You can find our KYC on their site.

Once again thanks if you got this far and feel free to reach out to us on our Discord

